I was starting to feel withdrawal, not having run in a week. I could have slept in for the first Sunday in three months, but I decided to go to the Running Room instead. I wasn't sure if anyone else from our clinic would be there now that they didn't have to be, but there were a few.
No one from my pace group was there, though, and somehow I found myself running 10K with the fast (sub-2:00) group. Overall, this group didn't talk as much as my usual one. For the rest of the fast people, this was their long, slow run--a rest day, really--but I was pushing it, going more than a minute faster per kilometre than I normally do on Sundays. So it was more of a tempo run for me, which was fine; I was motivated to keep up with them.
I did have a chance to think about which races I'd like to do next year, now that the season has come to a close.
Until mid-January or so: Maintenance running, twice a week with the Running Room and at least once a week alone. Maybe a 10K if I can find a good one.
April: Sun Run. If you live in Vancouver and you run, you do the Sun Run.
May: Vancouver International Half-Marathon maybe. This one includes a 200' climb up Prospect Point in Stanley Park that is legendary for its ability for reducing runners fitter than I am to walking.
June: Scotiabank Half-Marathon. It's billed as "Canada's easiest half-marathon" because it's mostly downhill and everyone does it to get a fast time. So I'll do it for sure. Heh.
October: Okanagan Full Marathon. HUGE maybe, for this will depend on what's going on in my life then and whether I have the time to devote to training for a full. It is something I want to do within the next couple of years, and this one would be fun because I'd get to travel to Kelowna and run through wine country. If I don't do the OIM, I'll do the Turkey Trot 10K again.
November: Fall Classic half-marathon again if I don't do the OIM, 10K if I do.
So, at the very least, I think I'll do two 10Ks and two half-marathons.
Other fitness goals include:
1. Training more than three days a week and closer to the five days the Running Room programs tell you to. Maybe include cross-training of some sort, like biking.
2. Trying a yoga class. I've done a DVD at home (MTV yoga, which is as annoying as it sounds) but I want someone to correct my form. I still don't feel like I'm doing downward-facing dog right.
3. Picking up some weights every now and then. I HATE WEIGHTS.
4. Purchasing a Garmin. Now that they're selling overhauled models for $100 less than normal price, it would be dumb not to.