Saturday, June 28, 2008

Hot child in the city

18K LSD this morning. I set out just before 9:00 a.m., which was actually too late. It was already hot--around 20 degrees Celsius. I put on sunscreen, which ran into my eyes several times, causing (literally) BLINDING pain. However, my back got burned and the outline of my tank top is seared into my skin. Must look into sunscreen spray or find someone to rub lotion on my back. (The second option sounds more intriguing.)

I don't usually do long runs on Saturdays--I figured since I have a four-day weekend, I should get at least one run out of the way so I don't feel guilty when I see everyone else out. And really, Vancouver is a city where it seems that everybody is out running at all hours of the day. I asked a friend visiting from Toronto whether it's just Vancouver, and she said it definitely feels like people are a lot more hardcore about it here.

This got me thinking during today's run about competition. Unconsciously, I think every runner competes, even in a non-race situation. You pass someone and feel a small sense of triumph. You are passed and pick up the pace. Maybe you size up runners approaching in the opposite direction, sizing up their gear (Garmin? Fuel Belt? Tech shirt? Nice shoes?) as a measure of how devoted they are to the sport.

I try to stay focused on my own training goals, but sometimes my brain needs something more immediate, and so I start picking people off. Or if I'm passed, sometimes I'll start internally defending myself: "I'm doing a LSD run! I ran a half-marathon last weekend!" Pretty neurotic, but it's one way to pass the time.

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